o n t h e t r a c k s


A Unique Opportunity

I have a unique opportunity on this coming Saturday, 2-4 pm.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association has invited me to a Symposium on the topic of
“The Existence of God and Human Suffering”, at the Baitus Samee Mosque.

The day will be marked by speeches by three guest speakers from the
Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities. (Each presenter speaking for 15 minutes)

I will be the guest Christian presenter.

It is the muslim way to have separate events for men and women. I will be speaking only to men. There will be a parallel meeting for women at the same time, with female speakers.

Tea and refreshments will be served afterward.

This is going to be, if nothing else, a very unique cross-cultural experience. It is also an opportunity for me to communicate the message of Christ.

My Christian faith tells me that the God I worship is a God who is intimately familiar with suffering because He Himself chose to suffer. Here, I realize, is where I part company with my muslim and jewish friends, but it is a very important part of the way I as a Christian process my understanding of the existence of God and human suffering. I therefore plan to conclude by explaining how this uniquely Christian doctrine informs my thinking on the crucial question that has been the focus of our conversation today.

My goals for the day are to learn from the other presenters and the people with whom I interact; and to communicate clearly on my assigned topic with a distinctively Christian flavor.

I covet your prayers as I prepare my presentation and as I present it on Saturday.
I am hopeful that I can gather a group of men who are available on Saturday and can attend with me. I have extended invitations to men in this area.

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