o n t h e t r a c k s


Who said it? - #2

My brother sent this link last night which included the following quote:

“He and I kept praying for the highest love to bring to people. We all [in the band] believe in Jesus and we believe in God and we believe that we were his messengers, so we followed through with our career as his messengers to the world."

He's talking about a song that he considers the high point of his songwriting and his prayer before recording it. OK, I realize one takes these things with a grain of salt, but as the author of the article comments, "there is this other voice, from the ancient Scriptures in the writings of Solomon: “If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you” (Proverbs 11:27). So my bias is to find good in this quote, and to have hope for the heart of the author of the quote.

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