o n t h e t r a c k s


Thursday in Kingwood

Last Tuesday evening we took Miles to our regularly scheduled service of healing prayer. He seemed encouraged and blessed by the experience. He had been sick on Monday with EO symptoms but had been well enough to go to school on Tuesday.

He woke up with very good numbers and no EO symptoms on Weds and today and has had a couple of good days. In school three days in a row - which hasn't happened for a while.

He is also seeing his counseling therapist once a week now to help him cope with all this and is also taking painting lessons, which seems to help as well.

We expect to get info from his GI Dr. today about the tests he has had last week, and we are asking for an aggressive plan of treatment, even if it means doing a course of steroids which will complicate his diabetic regimen.

I am gearing up for leading a band as we lead worship this weekend; then on Palm Sunday I am directing a cast that includes myself in a drama I have written that will be halfway through the service and will be the tipping point as the service shifts from Palm to Passion emphasis. The drama takes place at Ground Zero in New York and is one of the best things I have written - based on a Willow Creek piece from years ago called "The Wall". Then Easter comes and EC and I will be in the choir. Alicia is not singing this year because Miles seems to need her to focus on him instead.

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