o n t h e t r a c k s


A Confession for Christmas Eve

Lord Jesus,
This most holy of nights brings me
and Joy.

Because you left the splendor of Heaven’s glory
To come to a dark and cold world,
To bring the light and warmth of your Kingdom
To a world so in need of
Your Love,
Your Peace,
Your Joy.

Because you came into the world,
Yet the world did not receive You.
You came to Your own,
And your own did not welcome you.
And still today, people turn away from you.
I turn away from you.
Sin still scars your creation
And the hearts of your own people.

and Joy,
Because you offer perfect forgiveness and full cleansing to all who acknowledge their need of you.
Cleanse my heart tonight, Lord Jesus,
so that I may welcome you as I long to,
certain that I am also welcomed by You.


© R Lindholtz 2008

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