o n t h e t r a c k s


Tom's Latest report on Mom

I've been making daily trips to see Dad & Mom since my last note. I haven't written sooner because there hasn't been a lot to report. Physically, Mom continues to decline, slowly. When I got there today she was dressed and sitting up in her wheelchair. Dad had taken her out to the patio for some sun and fresh air. But that seemed to have taken a toll on her energy reserves, and her eyes gave the appearance of someone completely fatigued.

Mentally and emotionally she seems still fully aware of what is going on and responsive. When I walk around the corner into her room, she inevitably smiles and her demeanor brightens. When I kiss her hello she always responds, "I love you, too." Today, as I was leaning over her bed, adjusting and fluffing her pillow, she reached up with her right arm and placed her arm around my back very tenderly, and said, "I love you." So the tender mother-love is still alive and well.

Dad continues to be strong and well by any measure I can see. His attitude remains positive. His humor is intact. We speak openly and candidly. He is going through some very difficult days. But he seems to be doing so in as good a way as I could hope. He continues to set such an amazing role model for me. And one of the great blessings -- and there have been many -- is that Dad & I have bonded ever more strongly through this experience. For years I have considered that I was fortunate to have a remarkably strong relationship with my Dad. But walking through this time together has strengthened and deepened those bonds.

Thank you all for your continued love and prayers for Mom, Dad, and our family. Your prayers have been answered in many wonderful ways. As I told someone recently, If you want to know how God cares for His children in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, you have to walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. And though the cost is high, the lessons learned, as is always the case with God, are worth the price of admission.

Love from all of us,


Tom Lindholtz

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