A Confession for Christmas Eve
This most holy of nights brings me
and Joy.
Because you left the splendor of Heaven’s glory
To come to a dark and cold world,
To bring the light and warmth of your Kingdom
To a world so in need of
Your Love,
Your Peace,
Your Joy.
Because you came into the world,
Yet the world did not receive You.
You came to Your own,
And your own did not welcome you.
And still today, people turn away from you.
I turn away from you.
Sin still scars your creation
And the hearts of your own people.
and Joy,
Because you offer perfect forgiveness and full cleansing to all who acknowledge their need of you.
Cleanse my heart tonight, Lord Jesus,
so that I may welcome you as I long to,
certain that I am also welcomed by You.
© R Lindholtz 2008
Tuesday 12-16
O Come now, light for all humankind
and over all your people shine.
in every dark and lonely place
we long to see your radiant face.
Come light of life
into our days
and show us your ama-zing grace.
words by Rick Lindholtz and Susan Senechal
Stock market volatility is the extent to which prices go up or down from day to day. Using the S&P 500 as a market index, and using a 4% price change in a single day as a big move, just how volatile is the recent market activity?
Over the past 60 years there have only been 68 days in which the market has moved up or down by 4% or more, A 60-year average of slightly more than once per year. However.....
Of those 68 days, 28 days have ocurred since September, 2008. In other words, until just recently we averaged about 7 of those days per decade; far less than once a year. But in the last couple months we've been getting bumped up or down at a rate of about once every 2-3 days.
That's why it seems like the markets are so shakey. They are.
Tuesday Morning Update
EC ate pretty well yesterday and kept everything down, I think, and slept fairly well last night with only a couple minor wakeups that were easily resolved.
This morning one of her two instructors with as-yet-unfinished work said that he would give EC her present grade pre-final, even though she cannot finish the final. Her current grade is an A.
baby steps out of the woods continue...
Sunday Night Update
-EC is receiving more nutrition which is a result of improved control over nausea and a fair amount of time and energy just helping her by distracting her when feelings of impending nausea have heretofore caused anxiety, which caused more feelings of nausea, and more anxiety etc. on and on. She is, it can probably be said accurately, eating two very light meals a day. Doesn’t sound like much for a girl in her condition but taken in context of what her health has been like for the last month or two it is a dramatic turnaround.
-We feel she is in a better position in regard to panic/anxiety attacks, both in frequency, severity, and duration… all diminishing.
-She is getting less interruptions in her sleep, but is still not able to be left alone at night, so one or the other of us is with her every night. (We have seen what we consider manifestations that we consider are evidence of a spiritual warfare dimension to all this and invite you to pray against the enemy of our souls.)
-She is still not eating enough (as noted above); still have feelings of nausea and still having anxiety attacks, and probably one of her biggest complaints is that she feels weak and tired too much. Some of the tiredness is probably the result of the combined sedative side effects of several medications.
-She is beginning to anticipate good things for her future such as working for some friends in a low-stress job as they prepare to open their restaurant; and further down the road, going to North Park.
-She has terminated her employment with Randalls (Safeway) Pharmacy, which removes a major source of stress, and they have made it clear that they adore her and that the door is open anytime she wants to return to work.
-She has finished all assignments for 1 of her 3 classes at Lone Star College-Kingwood, and for the other 2, a letter from her and from her Dr. have been delivered and the resulting options are: a) take whatever grade would be represented by her acquired grade so far as reduced by not taking the final; or b) an “Incomplete agreement” according to which she must take the final between now and June 1st, or else accept an F for the class. So when we know what her grade would be according to the first option, we/she will be able to make a decision on whether or not to accept that or to enter the second option.
-She has appointments Monday with the medical Dr. to get the blood test results; and with her counselor, which we will attend with her. She needs to make a follow up appt with the Psychiatrist who is adjusting the psychotropic meds for further evaluation.
Brian's story is inspiring. The guy survived against all odds and is still making sweet music. John Fischer wrote a very good article about him, found here.
Here's a video of Brian doing a number from his new CD, "That Lucky Old Sun". He's still got it. Even if it's just nostalgia music, he's still got it.
• A birth Announcement from Hawaii, 1961
• Dr. Barb Orlowski has posted her thesis online - about church exiters - people who have left the church because of spiritual abuse. Worthwhile reading for church leaders.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday before Thanksgiving
Her Dx as of last Saturday is Clinical Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This manifests itself in acute panic/anxiety attacks with nausea leading to vomiting. This has been going on longer than I have been aware, leaving her in a weakened and dehydrated condition.
She had an attack at work and went to the ladies' room feeling nauseous and was found there on the floor a few minutes later.
She was discharged last night after a full check-over and they added an anti-nausea to her anti-depressent and anti-anxiety meds.
The most hopeful news I've seen in 10 years
Monday 11/17

Fire in Montecito
You know how sometimes a page burns, but if it hasn't been crumbled, you can still read the ink on the sheet of ash? I remember picking up a sheet of ash that had been printed music. I could still see the staff and the notes. Then I tapped it and it dissolved into powder. Being a musician myself I felt a moment of the family's loss.
I'm Back...
ElenaClaire couldn't make it but here are the rest of us. The "10" on the shirt refers to Miles' ten years living with diabetes, and our tenth walk. It also happily declares that we surpassed our goal of raising ten thousand dollars for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation!
an MPD day
At 8:20 I was a tenor in a Contemporary Praise and Worship Choir
At 9:30 I was a keyboard leader of a Traditional Worship Service
At 11:00 I was doing 8:20 again
At noon I was a singer in a rock band for the All-Church BBQ picnic
At 4 pm I was a pastor officiating at the funeral of a 25 year old woman who was our babysitter 10 years ago
At 6 pm I was a husband out to dinner with his wife and some friends
At 8 pm I was a Dad consoling a daughter who was feeling overwhelmed by stress.
This morning I was a guy with a muscle spasm in his lower back.
and wondering if the muscle spasm was related to the previous day?
as I live on this world You created –
revolving, bringing morning after night -
this world that speaks with so much eloquence
of love and faithfulness, and of your grace.
My Faith is in You, Jesus, Holy Lord:
As I recognize my own brokenness
And then remember how You came to earth,
My heart is filled with gratitude and joy,
that You would give Your life upon the cross
And rise again in glorious victory!
My Faith is in You, Spirit from above,
and sent down by the Father and the Son,
You help me to remember whose I am:
For I am Yours: the one eternal God
still reaching out to claim me as Your own.
My King, I will forever sing Your praise!
© Rick Lindholtz 0908

Top Ten Reasons Why Hurricane Season is JUST like Christmas
9. Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season
(camping gear, flashlights).
8. Last minute shopping in crowded stores.
7. Regular TV shows pre-empted for "specials".
6. Family coming to stay with you.
5. Family and friends calling from out-of-state
4. Buying food you don't normally buy ... And in large quantities.
3. Days off from work.
2. Candles.
And the number one reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas?
1. ...At some point you know you're going to have a tree in your house!
I saw a map of the hurricane track for the first time today. Probably old news to those of you who have power and regular newscasts, but the eye of the hurricane went right over Kingwood and our house was in it. It was quite unusual to go to absolute stillness about 6:30 last Saturday morning, and then back into the storm about an hour later.
We're getting away after church on Sunday. We're going to Fredericksburg, where Alicia's cousin lives. We just need a breather.
I know that many of my readers live elsewhere and won't be able to join us; but I invite you to surf over to Enjoy the poster there - the third in our series of posters honoring a certain four musicians we're partial to - and also click to watch the 3 minute video featuring ElenaClaire. Then, if you like, click to make a secure online donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. You'll be part of millions of dollars raised, including our goal of $10,000 in this,

Wednesday post-Hurricane
I have to keep in mind our blessedness, because my little exposure to media features people whining and getting angry because someone else is not taking care of their needs. I do not intend to get government assistance for anything I am going through. But I realize there are those far worse off than I who do need help.
Last time (Katrina and Rita) churches and individuals all over the country sent gift cards from Target, WalMart, gas stations etc. to us and we distributed them to those in need. That worked well and we are prepared to do that again, though we will probably do it through ministry partners closer to the areas of real need. But we suggest sending checks and letting us purchase the cards here, for security reasons. You can find our mailing address here (bottom left corner).
Tuesday after Ike
Now Tuesday. We reviewed needs and prioritized them, and then assigned staff to meet needs, but not to do it alone - to recruit those who said they were available. So I went to the home of a single woman who actually is out of town - she ditched Houston before the storm - and with a crew of 10 adults and children, cleaned up her yard, raking debris and large branches from the lot and off the roof. Happily we had few people with huge pressing needs.
The church has power, being on the same grid as the Fire and Police station, and we have Wi-Fi, so that's being made available to anyone who needs it. Though this is not publicly announced - our strategy is to connect with the "person of peace" - the one who has connections to someone in our church or who approaches us because they see us in the community - i.e., the receptive person.
This afternoon after we cleared that yard, Alicia and I cleaned the last of the food out of our fridges and freezer. We've seen some power trucks around the area in the last day or two so we're hopeful that we'll have power before the week is out.
Monday Morning Post-Ike
We are thankful to have a couple friends who have power. They (and the church) are on the same power grid as the local fire station and police station, so they get back online fast. We're hoping for some time today.
We know we have it much better than a lot of people, especially down in Galveston, but even here in Kingwood there are people whose houses were sliced in two by falling trees. And the fact that we have friends like the Burkes whom we stayed with last night - it's amazing how a good night's sleep in air conditioning can improve one's attitude.
Grocery stores are pretty empty and most gas stations are gasless. More updates are being posted on my site each day. Click here.
...and now, Ike
…and once again we’re bracing for a storm. In our area (northeast corner of
Random Notes
• Needless to say, as I sit here in suburban
• The Wall Street Journal features this assessment of the economy during 2001-2007. It’s not what the news media would have you believe.
• In the “strictly for fun” category, I browse through offbeat music blogs looking for interesting rarities, and found the master tracks for Marvin Gaye’s “Heard it thru the grapevine”. Individual tracks for bass, drums, guitars, lead vocal, keys, orchestra, percussion, and BG vocals. Load these individual tracks into audacity, and you’ve got your own mixing board to re-mix a true classic. My favorite, remixed yesterday: Lead vocal on one side, Harmony vocals on the other, and bass guitar in the center, That’s all. The same music blog had already provided me with the master tracks for 4 Sgt. Pepper songs as well.
First Responder
Christ the King is a base for first responders who are coming into the area in preparation for Hurricane Gustav. Obviously no one knows for sure where it’s going to hit or how hard, or who will be most deeply impacted. Keep us in your prayers in these days.
August 17
• Michael Phelps is awesome. He won #8 during a band break last night, which was very considerate of him. Everyone in the restaurant was gathered around the TVs in the place cheering him on. I know he'll appreciate knowing that.
• Alicia and I had purchased one of those digital converters for the TV, and at first it didn't get a strong enough signal to work. But I discovered quite by accident last week that the antennae line needed to be well away from power lines, and suddenly we're getting very good reception on about 5 channels in our area. Having quit the cable habit about 5 years ago, we've gotten used to unsatisfactory, fuzzy reception. Now we're enjoying crystal clear images and audio almost all the time.
• How did Thrivent afford that? Thrivent Financial hosted a splash day at Schlitterbahn Galveston, which normally costs about $33. We got in for $5 each. And the price included a BBQ brisket lunch that was worth about $7.
You are the One
Mark suggested that I write something for the song "You are the One", by Lincoln Brewster and Paul Baloche. Here's the original song (PDF):
You're the One who made the heavens
You're the One who shaped the earth
You're the One who form'd my heart
Long before my birth
I believe You'll always lead me
All my days have been ordain'd
All Your thoughts toward me are holy
Full of love and grace
You are the One You are holy
You are the One You are worthy
You are the One, You are the One
You are the One I will worship
You are the One I will serve all my days
You are the One, You are the One
You are the One
Jesus You're the One
Brewster/Baloche © 2002 Integrity's Hosanna! Music
Here's the piece I wrote:
Every second, every moment,
Every minute, every hour,
I rely upon Your presence,
Stand upon Your power.
You have called my heart to follow
You’re my Savior and my friend
You surround my life with goodness,
Faithful to the end…
©2008 Rick Lindholtz
P.S. By happy coincidence, if you add "I will" to line 4 and "You are" to line 8, you get a verse that will work with the traditional hymn tune "Hyfrydol", which is often sung with the lyric "Jesus, what a friend for sinners".
August 8
August 5
I wrote this confession for Sunday. For some reason it was overlooked at 8:20, and at 11:00 there was some kind of technical problem, but here it is:
Lord, You call us to a life of faith and faithfulness – of living with trust that the life revealed in Your Word is
Your best design for our lives.
We confess our weak obedience to Your call. We drift far from Your path for us. We are often distracted by
other voices around us. And when the journey includes hard times, we struggle even to believe that You
have our good at heart.
But here and now, we declare yet again our faith in You.
We confess our sins, confident that Your promise of forgiveness is true.
We ask once again for the filling of Your Holy Spirit, to empower our life in You.
We thank You for your many gifts of grace. Amen.
The sermon, "Grace for the Hard Times", was excellent. It can be heard here. Afterward, Raymond sang "Healing Rain" - also archived at It was very powerful.
• Alicia and Miles flew home from Cape Cod yesterday. It's good to have the whole family under one roof again.
• Tropical Storm Edouard was a blowout. When I was a kid we used to call these "rainy days", and they didn't cancel all regular television programming so the news guys could talk it up all day long. They didn't send some poor sap of a reporter out to a street corner so that he could say on local network television "There is a puddle of water here on the side of the road". Literally!
Back to the Tracks

July 25
Next week Alicia and Miles head to Cape Cod for a week with her family. I am jealous. But I'll be busy every evening working on the score for a movie.
Sunday, July 13
• Tomorrow morning we're off for 10 days in California. Looking forward to time with all of my family; with some of my friends from High School; and with other friends as well.
• The link is up at Miles' page for SMILES FOR MILES on October 3.
Declaring Faith
Here's the confession component:
Leader: All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own.
People: I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night.
Leader: But You are a God of forgiveness, gracious and merciful, slow to become angry, and rich in unfailing love.
People: In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace.
Leader: You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make us rich:
All: Beauty for ashes,a joyous blessing instead of mourning,festive praise instead of despair. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Isaiah 53:6 Psalm 51:3 Nehemiah 9:17 Ephesians 1:7, 2 Corinthians 8:9, 9:15, Isaiah 61:3
(into "Trading my Sorrows")
Then after "Trading my Sorrows", we wanted a brief affirmation of faith that would connect the repetition of "Yes Lord" in the song with biblical truth:
Leader: The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. (Isaiah 40:28)
People: Yes, Lord! Amen!
Leader: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15)
People: Yes, Lord! Amen!
Leader: He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. (Romans 8:11)
People: Yes, Lord! Amen!
Leader: All of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” ascends to God for his glory.
(2 Cor. 1:20)
(return to song: Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord…)
Monday, July 7
We’re beginning to “gear up” for our annual JDRF fundraiser, SMILES FOR MILES. Every year we do a poster based on an album cover by a well-known band dear to our hearts. Here’s this year’s poster.
Our trip to
My last ministry assignment before vacation is to preach here at Christ the King – a privilege I have never been afforded. Not out of lack of confidence; but we have three pastors on staff, plus an accredited Director of Christian Education, all of whom are excellent communicators. There’s rarely a time when one of them is not available. But our Senior Pastor invited me to preach here – I regularly preach on a monthly basis at a struggling little church plant about 10 miles south of us. So it’s a blessing to have this opportunity. (I’ll also be preaching at a Vespers Service the following Sunday at University retirement Community in
As I was writing this, a little spider came down on a web not more than 3 inches from my nose. THAT was interesting!
June 27
What’s happening these days in the
Meanwhile, I am watching the news from a distance, both geographically and – I struggle to find the right word... Ecclesiastically? No – sounds too hierarchical and theological. I really am a Covenanter at heart – but one who has been deeply touched by being reconnected to the roots of the Covenant in the Lutheran tradition. Relationally? Not really. There’s no relational break between myself and anyone in the Covenant on a personal level, and every time I attend a meeting there are those among the pastors and Superintendents who ask when I will be returning or if I am open to conversations with churches. On the other hand I ache for missing many good friends who serve in the Covenant. Emotionally? Perhaps. Part of my heart is permanently lodged in the Covenant, but an equal part of my heart is lodged in Kingwood and in the friends I have and the church I serve here. If / When I ever should leave here, I will take a confirmed Lutheran daughter and a baptized Lutheran son with me (and if I stay 3 more years, he’ll be confirmed as well). These two parts are often – almost always - at odds with what they hope for and long for. I stay because I love the people and church I am serving, because my family needs the stability, and mostly because God called me here (even if, technically, the church didn't) and God has not at all said “go” nor even given my heart the freedom to seriously consider another ministry assignment.
So, from this distance, I wish the Covenant and it’s new President-elect well, and I say to the retiring President, “Go color outside the lines”. He knows what that means – it refers back to a conversation he had with ElenaClaire when she was 5 years old and had a handful of crayons at the restaurant table. She offered him a crayon and told him it was OK if he didn’t stay inside the lines.
Meanwhile, it has been a restful week of vacation for me after finishing up a most successful run of “Annie Get your Gun” – 4 shows at the Nathaniel Center in Kingwood, and 4 more at the crown jewel of Houston’s downtown theatre District, the Hobby Center. And so life carries on.
Annie Get Your Gun TV Commercial
...and if you just HAVE to see more, I've posted the opening number "THere's no Business like Show Business" and its reprise here.
May ends and June begins
Oh, and did I mention – during that week between Nathaniel and Hobby, I am also directing all the dramatic Bible teaching at VBS? It’s very improvisational and fun, but it’s going to make for a busy week.
Saturday night at the Hobby, June 21, I have 80 friends coming to enjoy the show, as well as my sister, her husband, and Alicia’s sister.
Monday, after the wrap the show, the family is taking a well-earned short vacation to
May 19

Tyson Hendrickson is one of the greatest kids I’ve ever worked with. Over the past decade we have stayed in touch as he has been living and working in the
1) Help people use discount coupon codes (those things you always see at the bottom when you order something online. 20% off, free shipping, etc.) when ordering things online.
2) At the same time you provide funding to 3rd world entrepreneurs. Giving small loans to people to start their own businesses in order to escape the cycle of poverty. This is not charity but low or no interest loans that hopefully get paid back so that they money can be used again and again.
Please check it out. The site only came online today. So any suggestions to how to make it better are welcomed.
Annie Get your Gun is 25 days away from opening. If you’re in the

JDRF HOUSTON held the annual Gala Fundraiser on Saturday night, in which all four of us volunteered. It was a great evening with over 900 in attendance and 1.2 million raised.
A Song for Pentecost Sunday
April 27
Chris Forbes has published an e-book called “Facebook for Pastors”, advocating that ministry leaders should be on Facebook. I agree with his premise.
I am in the thick of writing a seminar that combines the best parts of “Bringing my World to Christ”, which I taught for 15 years, with “Living a Life with a
By Mike Breen with Bob and Mary Hopkins”. Mike, a mentor of our staff, developed “LifeShapes”, a set of ministry tools that are very useful. The key concept in the “Octagon”, his primary evangelistic teaching tool, is the concept of identifying the “Person of Peace”.
April 24
• "America may not yet be ready to elect a black President...The fact that Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton are both such impressive candidates, intelligent, sincere, articulate and in command of the issues, while John McCain does not qualify on any of these criteria only makes matters worse." (The Times)
I went with Vonage
• I spent most of the late morning and early afternoon doing landscaping in the backyard. I am tired but satisfied.

in the order of worship this weekend
I see your work, your mighty hand
as breaking waves crash on the sand,
but marvel more, thinking on when
you came, a child in Bethlehem.
I see your work as I arise
and sunrise paints the morning skies,
yet greater still, as from above,
you came to teach us how to love.
I see your work in sunsets fair.
then, lost in wonder, kneel in prayer
when thinking on your bitter loss:
you gave your life upon the cross.
I see your work as through the trees,
the eagle rises on the breeze,
then watch in awe, as from the grave,
you rose, my shattered soul to save.
Just as a sculptor's work of art,
your Spirit works yet in my heart.
I lift my hands for all my days,
and come to offer songs of praise.
© Rick Lindholtz, 2004
You know, you do this blog thing where you try to write something that is of interest to you. Some are quite focused on topic, like Scot’s or Don’s; other are, as Brad says, “desultory” (“marked by lack of definite plan”). As I noted in the post on lyrics, I started out by posting the kinds of worship resources I was developing – at a time when, frankly, I thought I was entering the job market again.
So it’s just interesting to review the stats and discover that my more desultory posts (about Elephant Painting and Magic Jack) are responsible for the vast majority of traffic in the last 2-3 months. Hundreds of hits about each. Reminds me of when Brad offered an early link to a tsunami video and was getting a tsunami of hits within a few days. Bizarre thing, this…
on voting
I’m not one to wax on politics, but I began having some thoughts back in January and even before, when one heard a lot of the farthest right of evangelical leaders saying things about how they could not support or vote for John McCain for reasons of conscience. I did some thinking on that.
At one point I mentioned to my brother Tom my consideration of the strategy of simply not voting. He pointed out to me that (in my paraphrase) no one has laid down their life for my right to refrain from voting, but plenty have laid down their lives to protect my right to vote; and that further, I am not now, never have been and never will be presented with the option of voting for the perfect candidate; I am presented with selecting the person closest to my values.
As I thought about that I went back to the talk about "voting their conscience", especially this year among the conservative opponents of McCain. And I realized that elections are not and never were about, or designed for, "expressing one's conscience"; they are about selecting an imperfect candidate from a field of two or more imperfect candidates for the office.
The final reflection came as I considered (spurred by a op-ed piece in the Houston Chronicle) that Reagan (whom all self-described conservatives seemed to be looking for this year) was the one who authored the so- called 11th commandment – “thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow republican”...words that many of McCain's critics seemed to have forgotten during the primary season - along with the fact that Reagan himself compromised with the other party on a number of issues both before and during his presidency.
McCain's not the guy I would have chosen from an ideal list of potential candidates, nor from the smaller number of actual candidates who were available on January 1 of this year, whose number were fewer still when the Texas primary occurred. I would not have voted for him in a primary under the best of circumstances, but he'll all but certainly have my vote in November, because for any disagreements I have with him, in my opinion he represents less danger to the long term character of the nation than the candidate of the other party - whomever that will be.
Just a thought. As we used to say on a list I was part of for many years, I got my flameproof jammies on in case I receive some blistering comments.
Jibstay: Bad Lyrics?
Til on the cross as Jesus died,
the wrath of God was satisfied.
(He asks other good questions of the text as well.)
For years we've been using the words
"My sin with him was crucified".
I haven't got anything for the "scheme of man" part.
But once a song has entered a congregation's collective memory it's pretty hard to make a change, so we vet songs pretty thoroughly before introducing a new song, and I am usually the de facto text writer if we want a change. In fact my blog was originally started 3 years ago last month, initally just to post the texts, litanies and other worship resources I wrote.
It's a matter of emphasis and priority I think. Wrath language is not totally foreign to scripture, but the emphasis is on grace and love, not wrath.
However, I think the phrase "dumbing down" is unfortunate and offensive (though I did not and do not take offense) - I find it equivalent to and on the flipside of the charge of "intellectual/cultural snobbery".
Those advocating adjustments are not necessarily dumb or removing intellectual vigor from the content of the faith; nor are those preferring the original language necassarily snobs of the intellectual or cultural variety.
In my judgment each side is advocating something I value - on the one hand, making the faith easily understandable and accessible to the exploring mind, and on the other, inviting a deep and stimulating exploration of where the truths of faith can lead.
To those who object to "lyric tampering", I often recall Charles Wesley's Christmas classic, whose original line runs thus:
"Hark, how all the welkin rings: Glory to the newborn King!"
If you've never sung that;
if you prefer "Hark the herald angels sing";
if you don't know what "the welkin" refers to (and you can look it up at
- have you been "dumbed down"?
And if you prefer "Hark the herald angels sing", why is that?
Intellectual snobbery?
"Dumbing down"?
Preference for the familiar (to yourself or to those who will be worshiping or listening)?
In the end, does it really matter?
Thanks Don - good topic.
April 4

• I've been customizing my PC with MAC features. I realize Apple purists like Steve and Don would be unimpressed. But I've just added a program called RocketDock and I think it's fabulous.
It gives us PC users the groovy little icon dock that rolls like a deck of cards as you mouse over them. It, along with the suggestions found here, have given me a much more satisfying interface desktop. I selected this grassy background, which may or may not be a real Mac wallpaper, but I like it.
• Snopes has ruled that the elephant painting video is real, but that the elephant has been trained to make the drawings and is probably not self-aware as to the significance of the drawing. Which is still pretty amazing. I'll go along with their conclusion, though I won't be surprised if someday this is proven to be a fake.
• Last year the "Madhatters" held an event and all the proceeds went to Houston Grand Opera. This year their chosen beneficiary was CentreStage Theatre School and Company, the group with whom I am doing "Annie Get your Gun" in June. So the principals of Annie went to their luncheon today along with the kids who are performing "101 Dalmatians" and "AristoCats" in May. It was fun to try out a couple numbers before and audience.
• My comments box got spammed by a puff piece about Magic Jack (which spam has now been deleted). I guess someone's job is to look for less-than-glowing reviews and spam the comments with an obviously scripted comment. Whatever "Tim L." is getting paid for doing that, it's probably not enough. Chill, Tim. I think Magic Jack is a pretty good product. It just wasn't the perfect fit for me.
• Drop by and say hi to my friends Paul & Laura Dokken, who are in the final stages of preparation to go to Papua New Guinea as translators. P & L were attenders of the church I served when we lived for all too brief a period of time in Washington state.
• My niece Bekah and her husband Jon, for whom I was blessed to co-officiate at their wedding in November 2005, are on their first real vacation, in Hawaii. Unfortunately their reservations were on ATA airlines, which declared bankruptcy yesterday. So my sister called knowing I had friends in the industry. Well, of course, "buddy passes" are only good where there are vacant seats, and all the other ATA passengers are scrambling to get those vacant seats too. So there aren't going to be many vacant seats. I also learned that if you're flying over water or internationally, buddy passes are only good if there's a family member of the airline employee accompanying you. My firned, the wife of a pilot, said that if there was a good likelihood, she'd fly over and accompany them back. Which was sweet. But then her husband said that the other airlines would be honoring ATA tickets. My guess is they want to increase their slice of the creditor pie so that they'll be more likely to get a piece of the settlement.
Elephant Painting
So the day after April 1 this video hits the morning TV news, and initially I am thinking, come on, hoax. And the clip shown on the news is primarily (after a long shot) mainly the trunk. You never actually see a full shot of the whole elephant while he’s painting a picture of an elephant. And I’m thinking, surely snopes will answer this one. Obviously it’s a hoax. And for the first time in my life I see a snopes page that says “research in progress”. So what do you think?
If it is real, it must be a female elephant. She makes herself look slimmer than she really is.
The Untold Story
Joel Rosenberg wrote “The Last Jihad”, a great work of fiction, and several sequels. Here’s a worthwhile read about muslims converting to faith in Jesus.
What sticks?
Let me tell the story of the single most memorable experiecne I had in Sunday School.
Classes met in various homes because our comparatively new church had no classrooms. This was probably when I was a HS sophomore and the class was in my living room.
Perhaps 12-14 of us settled down when the leader, 10 years older than ourselves, began his prayer which ran roughly as follows. I am numbering the prayer because it was very articulate and I don’t want to take up the space to write it out, but here is where it went:
1. Thank you Lord that you love us.
2. Thank you that you love us so much.
3. Thank you that you love us more than others.
4. That’s because we know you and your word and believe.
5. That makes us so much better than others.
6. We pray for those whose belief is not like ours.
7. We know that you are not pleased with them.
8. We know that we are the only ones who please you.
9. We pray that judge them for their wrongs.
10. We pray that you would pour out your wrath on them.
11. He started listing denominations. I mean, it was really outrageous.
I don’t know how much more was prepared, because I had started getting uncomfortable by abaout point 3, seriously disturbed at about point 5, and by 9 and 10, I thought “This is my house, I can’t let this go on”. So I interrupted the prayer with “Hold, it, hold it, you can’t do this” … which is exactly the response the leader had intended.
While I was the one who’d spoken up, once the disussion started virtually every other kid said they’d had the same feelings of discomfort. The particulars of the ensuing hour are lost to my memory, but what I remember is that by pushing our envelope of comfort with something like that, we were really pressed to articulate what we believed about faith and prayer, etc.
(The leader told me later that writing that prayer was the most fun he’d had in a long time, but delivering it without laughing was next to impossible.)
Wednesday April 1, 2008

Nobody ever tells you “Listen, this is the woman you will one day marry. You might want to reconsider on this idea of asking her out on April Fools’ Day. Or at least make it something better than going to a Marx Brothers Film Festival. After all, this is going to be the story she tells her children.”
As my beloved has said many times – it sort of set the tone for the whole relationship.
• Google has announced its partnership with Virgin on the Virgle project to establish a thriving colony on Mars. And the Abbeyrd page has revealed a secret clause in the McCartney/Mills divorce agreement which gives Heather a say in forthcoming Beatles reissues. Elsewhere, Pacific Islands Bible College has acquired the University of Southern California. In other news, our senior pastor told the staff this morning that he was preparing to accept a call to a
• Brad (who also authors asked me about Magic Jack, about which he and I blogged, and for which I took the plunge and bought one. So Brad and everyone else: here’s the update.
Magic Jack is a device that plugs into your USB port on your computer and gives you free phone service across the
March 27
N.T. Wright has a great article about what comes after heaven. There’s been a lot of buzz about the fact that most American Christians thinking that heaven is the end of the story, but as Wright points out, that’s not the biblical end of the story.
This is another one of those great videos that assign you to watch for something, and get you to miss something that later seems obvious. Another favorite of mine is the amazing color changing card trick.
HEMA is a Dutch department store. Go to their page and wait to see the unique way their product page comes to life.